So, the big announcements have been made.
Firstly, and most importantly, Live Season 2.0 has been revealed. Basically, it’s an offline version of Interactive Leagues, where you play your team’s real fixtures in a league populated by the real-life results week by week. For more details, click here.
Secondly, there are some new FIWC details (that’s the FIFA Interactive World Cup that you can enter exclusively on the PS3 version of the game), as well as a few more insights into extra tweaks. Check out Mike Takla’s comments from the EA forums below:
"We’ve not changed FIWC dramatically this year but we’ve done a few things. A couple of those are we’ve removed the lobbies (so it’s quick match only) and maybe the bigger news is we’ve levelled all the teams – so whoever you play with it’s all even. [...] With no lobbies there are no arranged matches (boosting) and we have diminishing returns so if people do somehow arrange fixtures they won’t get points against the same player.
Ronaldo does a stutter PK, you can choose your favourite arena as your default, there’s loads of tutorial videos, we have a new arena messaging feature that’ll give you the latest news (including top players on the leaderboards) and team managment scrolling is faster!
Happy with the news? Disappointed? Confused? EA are asking for feedback on the Live Season 2.0 features, which you can provide using this thread on the EA forums here.
But don’t forget to hit the links below and let us know what you think on our forums as well!
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