Initial postings on the forum have been extremely positive with several people declaring it the greatest PES ever, but do you agree with them?
If you're lucky enough to have the game, post your first impressions here and let those who haven't got the game yet know what they're missing out on.
For me, the game is miles ahead of the demo. I was really disappointed after playing the demo. It just didn't feel like any improvement whatsoever over PES 2009, but since I got hold of the full game I haven't been able to stop playing it. There's no delay when pressing buttons, the pace feels right for the game and the new sliders really have an effect on how your team positions itself on the field.
The Master League really has been overhauled at last and the Champions League and Europa League integrations are far better than I imagined they would be. The commentary is still the same, but the licensed music does make a difference when going through the menus.
If you haven't read it yet, Marko's review of PES2010 is probably the best out there pointing out all the gameplay elements which other reviews have missed out. For those that don't know, Marko has won countless PES tournaments and has finished runner up representing PES Rankings at the Euro finals in the past playing PES6. If he doesn't know the game inside out, no one does.
“When I used to get a new PES game, my first thoughts were always "Oh I dont think I like this, I cant get used to the game, I prefer the old version!" and then after I kept at it all of a sudden the PES magic hit me and I was hooked for another year Then on PES08 and PES09 my first thoughts were "Why is this so easy, I can run past the whole team with my eyes shut and its my first time playing it". Playing PES2010 gave me that feeling that has been missing since I first played PES6. With every game I played I started to enjoy it more and more and I keep saying to myself just one more go and it turns into another two hours of play For me its the best football game on this generation of consoles, my only worry is that I've got a kid on the way and its going to cut into my time playing it!”
Let us know if you agree with me and Marko. Of course, if you don't agree with us there's always the moaning thread for you to vent, but it's been very quiet so far.