Again, News from Pesgaming. Let's see what his thinking about football games.
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As we draw ever closer to the release date, which is around 6 weeks away, information generally will be drying up.
The next big milestone we have to wait for is the demo, which I should imagine will be released around the start of October some time, but don’t quote me there, I don’t have details of the actual date yet. I will of course make that information available as soon as I get it.
I think we can take stock at this point in time of all the information we have got from Konami this year prior to launch, and reflect on the massive improvements in PR by Konami from last year – as Dan has already pointed out.
I haven’t been informed about another playtest for this week unfortunately, but Adam from WENB has a guide on editing which I hope you guys will find useful:
A big thank you to Adam for the information.
Something which occurred to me earlier this week was that we’re at a stage where we only have two major football titles vying for our attention. For me, we are approaching a point where we have the “Big Two” both trying to not only define their own take on the game, but to also “borrow” from each other – especially when fans cry out for features from one game in the other one. With both games trying to satisfy us, will they lose their own identity?
As both games improve their style of play, they will be looking to try to get gamers of the other series to adopt their game. This will work both ways, and is a natural phenomenon. To do this, they will have to show that they can offer what their competitor has, as well as their own differentiated offerings. Obviously FIFA has official licencising which means a lot to many people, but for gameplay purists that prefer PES, they obviously would like all the proper names of teams and players represented realistically.
As we look ahead three to five years from now, will we see two games that are practically identical, and trying to occupy the same space? Having played FIFA 09 after not looking at a FIFA game for over at least 10 years, personally I have to say that I was more comfortable with it, since it had a more natural PES like feel to it.
FIFA players who have been converted over to PES in times gone past, have enjoyed the stronger game play elements that PES offered over FIFA in those days. I’m not sure if my point is coming across as I intend, but I hope so.
How do you guys feel about there being only two main titles available to us? Do you agree that they both are getting closer to being like one another? There are times when I’m watching footage of either of the games, that it takes me a few seconds to realise which game it is, does anyone else get that feeling?
So the next question is, would we welcome a third new take on football? Obviously it couldn’t look and play similar to either of the big two, but would have to have a new take on the game. But now that we have embraced current generation versions of games with superb graphical looks, as well as the many features that are packed into them, what else could someone do to break into the football game arena?
Would a fresh sensible soccer style game which had poor graphics, but more up to date solid gameplay be enough to wow the masses? This may sound like a crazy topic when we are on the verge of seeing the latest ground breaking versions of the big two about to be released, but I think it’s worth discussing.
In the original PSX era, there were many different football games released, each offering their own take on the game.
Some of you older kids will remember the football game God Dino Dini. He of Kick Off fame, and many other football titles after it.
I personally sorely miss his input in football games, because I think he could provide a cutting edge in gaming direction.
Does anyone out there know where he is, and what he is doing right now? I’d love to get in touch with him to talk football games, and to ask him what he’d look to introduce into games today.
I think we are close to reaching saturation point in where football games go. I get like this with many games, worrying about future direction for them. For example, FPS games these days are all so similar and run of the mill. Only a handful of games actually introduce new and interesting new features that captivate us and hook us on them.
Are we close to getting as far as we can with football games? What else is left to introduce to them that could warrant annual updates?
I’m not taking a dig at FIFA here, but they always make a point of saying things like “this year we have made over 200 new changes to the game”, but how many of them are actually noticed? Can they continue to make similar numbers of changes annually? A common complaint aimed at FIFA titles is that they are very similar to one another, although that can’t be said of FIFA games as of around FIFA 08 onwards. But it’s possibly just a matter of time before it is – would you agree?
PES is in transition, and I can see enough new features being introduced to show distinct differences for at least another three years, but then will be saying the same thing about PES that has been said about FIFA in the past?
Well I hope I haven’t frazzled any brains out there with my outlandish, and possibly far fetched thinking, but I’d like to think I’ve provided food for thought, and hopefully for healthy discussion.
Thanks for reading
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